Friday, December 8, 2006

Technology, Ideas and Thoughts

The thing to do these days is to have your own blog. I'm not one to fight society, so here we are, this is my blog. Actually, I really don't think I have that much to say so this is going to be a shared blog between myself and a couple of friends who share similar (well, sometimes) interests.

Who are we?

Really, we're not much of anything yet. We all took, or are just finishing, Software Engineering at Carleton University in Canada and are now either working or in that in between stage with work and school. We all deal with a variety of technologies on a daily basis and thought it might be a good idea to share our experiences with the rest of the world. Hopefully some of the solutions we've come up with for various problems will be helpful to someone else, or maybe they can suggest a better way of doing things to us. Who knows, maybe we'll even come up with something original a couple original ideas too.

What's with the name?

Google-Steals-My-Thoughts. Not much to say here other than it seems like it has happened to each of us at one point, and probably most of the world. You know when you're sitting there, reading your feed and you think 'Wow, wouldn't it be cool if ____!!' Then you message a friend and tell them the idea, and wouldn't you know, he agrees with you! That's all well and good until two days later when Google comes out with the exact same service you were talking about. Pricks, stealing my thoughts.

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